Distributing and Analyzing a Global Survey in 20 Countries
There are roughly 1.6 billion people between the ages of 15 and 24 on this planet, roughly 16% of the global population. So, the Global Center on Adaptation asked: what are the factors that enhance the engagement of young people in actions of climate adaptation? Using Kai Analytics' network of trained enumerators and qualitative data analysis tools, they administered a survey to illuminate the answers to their question.
What We Did
Our enumerators disseminated surveys and conducted interviews across global and regional youth networks, especially those in Africa and Asia, since youth in these areas will disproportionately experience the consequences of climate change. We combined topic modelling techniques with socio-demographic data to create 3 identity personas. Persona research is a method of identifying different types of people based on their background, behaviour and work/lifestyle needs, and challenges and opportunities.

Increased responses by revising questions that may endanger participants.

Created 3 identity persona to assist with strategic planning of adaptation actions.

Our network of trained enumerators reached remote communities to get primary data in the form of interviews and survey responses.

Our initial idea to engage a contractor was to ensure a wide dissemination of a survey. However, it quickly became clear that Kai Analytics could play a much greater role. Not only did Kevin used his network to ensure a high number of responses in a very short time; he also provided large parts of both quantitative and qualitative analysis, which greatly increased the value of our study. Throughout the intensive process, Kevin flexibly made himself available, and also demonstrated a great team working spirit.

3 Key Insights

The Younger Age Group
Young people generally have a good understanding of what climate change looks like, especially how it affects their own communities. When asked what the most urgent climate change impacts were in their region, the majority spoke about global heating (avg. 38.5%), followed by flooding (avg. 35%), and dryness and droughts (avg. 34%). When asked what successful adaptation might look like, the most mentioned were afforestation policies (15%), limiting pollution and emissions (14%), and good governance and legal frameworks (13%). These responses paint a picture of what effective support for communities in Africa and Asia looks like.
Taking Action
As the climate crisis continues to unfold, it may be necessary to adapt our lifestyles for a changing world. When asked about adaptation actions, such as moving to another county, respondents gave varied responses. This variation is directly linked with the respondents location, pointing to the role of culture in determining how communities will adapt to climate change. For example, young people in Africa are 5x more likely to consider moving to another country than their counterparts in Asia; however, young Asians are 1.6x more willing to accept a lower level of welfare.

The Bottom Line
To get a more nuanced understanding of how the extreme effects of climate change can forever change the lives of young people, we interviewed people from the Horn of Africa who had been affected by Cyclone Idai. Africans are particularly susceptible to climate related disasters while only contributing 4% of Global emissions. This disaster changed the way these people view climate change, moving the needle from a “global” issue to “our” issue. As one man said “At the end of the day, I had nothing, I did not harvest because of the floods, my crops were washed away.” – Alinafe Nazombe (25, Malawi)
All images sourced from original report.