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association of accredited naturopathic medical colleges and kai analytics

Alumni Success Surveys for The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges

Kai Analytics oversaw The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) 2020 Graduate Success and Compensation Study to gauge perceptions of the job market, create profiles of “successful” graduates, measure changes from surveys conducted in the past, and uncover the reasons for graduates exiting the industry.

What We Did

We were asked to design, implement, and analyze the new alumni survey for AANMC. So, we revamped the old survey and polled alumni from all member schools. Those who responded were segmented into relevant groups that we could compare and connect trends across the population. Through this method, we were able to draw key conclusions that informed our recommendations to AANMC schools.

infographic - survey responses helped shape strategic planning among member schools

Survey responses helped shape strategic planning among member schools.

infographic - we helped promote the survey by leveraging social media and helping website redesign.

We helped promote the survey by leveraging social media and helping website redesign.

infographic - Presented our findings to member schools in a webinar on how to help those with ND degrees become more successful.

Presented our findings to member schools in a webinar on how to help those with ND degrees become more successful.

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Each project has been marked by professionalism and exceeding our expectations. Mr. Chang is always available for questions or issues that arise, and a thoughtful partner in our work.


3 Key Insights

Infographic by Kai Analytics displaying the average time for an naturopathic doctor to graduate.

Building Programs

By asking alumni how long it took them to complete their degree, we could map the most common timelines. This information is useful because AANMC members now know the appropriate timeline for structuring programs, and how long students will be dependent on other campus services for their professional success.

Identifying Opportunities

When we asked graduates about their employment journey, 95%  told us they returned to work after having children. We also found that respondents who were not practicing didn’t list raising a family as a reason for not practicing. If having children and raising a family is not a significant barrier to those with ND degrees, then acquiring an ND degree could be an attractive option for adults seeking to re-enter the workforce.  This becomes a significant opportunity for AANMC schools to recruit new students.

Infographic by Kai Analytics displaying the career path of ND graduates with children.
Infographic by Kai Analytics showing the proportion of Naturopathic doctors who own their own business.

Preparing Students

Those who responded to the survey provided us with insights into what life as a Naturopathic Physician looks like. Almost two-thirds of respondents owned or co-owned a practice or business, and about half worked in multiple employment settings. Armed with this knowledge, AANMC members can equip their students for what life looks like after graduation and be sure that this is the career path for them.

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